- Intro
- [0:30] Laundry Money
- [0:39] Max Branstetter, Hippo Direct, Wild Business Growth Podcast
- [0:44] Howard Shear, Rex Anderson, A.L.L. Laundry Service
- Recap – Why Should I Start a Laundromat Business?
- [1:41] #1: Why Should I Start a Laundromat Business?
- [2:09] Net Worth
- [2:24] #2: How Do I Start a Laundromat Business?
- [2:52] Demographics, Traffic patterns
- [3:09] Grocery Store, Dollar Store
- [3:27] #3: How Profitable Could a Laundromat Business Be?
- [3:58] Depreciate
- [4:07] Cash Flow
- [4:11] Revenue
- [4:42] Profit
- [4:50] #4: How Expensive Is Starting a Laundromat Business?
- [5:14] Financing
- [5:51] #5: Laundromat Business Costs Beyond Washers and Dryers
- [6:12] Howard’s new car analogy
- [6:31] ESD POS System (Point of Sale), Drop-off laundry, ESD Credit Card System
- [6:58] Reading Center
- [7:55] #6: Maximizing Cash Flow in My Laundromat Business
- [8:01] Advertise
- [8:11] Mailers, Yelp, Smartphone, AdWords, Radio promotions, Banners, Grand Opening, Grand Reopening, Hot Dog Cookouts
- [9:25] Profitability
- [9:32] What’s to come in future seasons of Laundry Money?
- [10:04] Preventive Maintenance
- Outro
- [10:26] Bring your laundromat business to life by visiting LakesideLaundry.com/Podcast and filling out the form
- Theme Song: Rock Your Life – Abydos Music – provided by Jamendo
- The numbers discussed in this podcast are based upon estimates and may vary from location to location. Past performances are no guarantee on future estimates, but are used as a guideline