- Intro
- [0:30] Laundry Money
- [0:38] Max Branstetter, Hippo Direct, Wild Business Growth Podcast
- [0:44] Howard Shear, Rex Anderson, A.L.L. Laundry Service
- Laundromat Business Costs Beyond Washers and Dryers
- [1:35] How much time commitment is owning and operating a laundromat business?
- [2:02] Camera systems
- [2:49] How much of a laundromat business can be automated and operated remotely?
- [3:08] ESD system, Maytag machines
- [4:05] Real-time fault codes
- [4:56] What are the biggest overhead costs in a laundromat business?
- [5:07] Human capital
- [5:26] Utilities, Gas, Water, Electricity
- [5:53] Should I make my laundromat business attended or unattended?
- [6:16] Laundromat Attendant
- [6:29] POS System (Point of Sale)
- [7:01] Electronic Monitoring System
- [7:15] Partial Laundromat Attendant
- [7:34] What other overhead costs should you consider in a laundromat business?
- [7:42] Service costs
- [7:51] Revenue
- [8:02] Depreciation, Parts warranty
- [8:14] Maytag and Fagor machines
- [8:44] Distributor with service schools
- [9:04] Reader, Dump valve
- [9:34] What is the most common problem with laundry machines?
- [9:53] Preventive maintenance
- [10:04] Dryer vents, Dryer lint catches
- [11:56] How much flexibility do you have in operating your laundromat business?
- [12:23] Coin box, Changer
- [12:59] How do you maximize cash flow in your laundromat business?
- Outro
- [13:31] Bring your laundromat business to life by visiting LakesideLaundry.com/Podcast and filling out the form
- Theme Song: Rock Your Life – Abydos Music – provided by Jamendo
- The numbers discussed in this podcast are based upon estimates and may vary from location to location. Past performances are no guarantee on future estimates, but are used as a guideline