- Intro
- [0:28] Laundry Money
- [0:37] Max Branstetter, Hippo Direct, Wild Business Growth Podcast
- [0:44] Howard Shear, Rex Anderson, A.L.L. Laundry Service
- How Profitable Could a Laundromat Business Be?
- [1:20] What ROI (Return on Investment) should you expect when investing in a laundromat business?
- [1:38] What are the biggest drivers to ROI in a laundromat business?
- [1:46] Demographic Studies, Competitive Analysis, Traffic Studies
- [2:28] When should you expect to see a return on your laundromat business investment?
- [2:52] EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization)
- [3:42] What are the biggest drivers that impact your return on your laundromat business investment?
- [5:04] 2008 Recession
- [5:44] What other external economic conditions are there that can impact your investment?
- [6:24] Lending standards
- [7:16] What other auxiliary income opportunities exist for your laundromat business?
- [7:36] Candy machines, massage chairs
- [7:54] Cash flow
- [8:25] What arcade games work well in a laundromat?
- [8:33] Pinball machines
- [9:02] What part of the laundry process is more important for laundromat owners to focus on?
- [10:26] Customer service
- [10:36] What else can a laundromat business investor do to maximize their investment?
- [10:55] Mobile apps, Apple Pay, Digital payments
- [11:14] Discount days
- [12:01] Laundromat Attendants
- [12:19] Laundromat drop-off
- [12:32] Commercial accounts
- [13:04] Yelp
- [13:12] Call to action (CTA)
- [14:44] What should you know about expenses on the laundromat business side?
- [15:02] Lender, Construction needs
- [15:21] Auto parts store
- Outro
- [15:37] Bring your laundromat business to life by visiting LakesideLaundry.com/Podcast and filling out the form
- Theme Song: Rock Your Life – Abydos Music – provided by Jamendo
- The numbers discussed in this podcast are based upon estimates and may vary from location to location. Past performances are no guarantee on future estimates, but are used as a guideline