Why Open a Coin-Operated Laundry?

Looking for the right business opportunity for you? One idea you may not have considered is becoming the owner of a coin vended laundry business. Coin operated laundry businesses are among the most successful ventures for entrepreneurs. There are several reasons you may consider opening a brand new coin operated laundromat or retooling an existing store:

    • People always have a need for clean laundry. While some service industries experience seasonal shifts or declines, a laundromat sees solid business year-round. Think about this: No matter what, people will continue to have a constant need for clean clothing, sheets, bedspreads, curtains, towels—the list goes on and on! And, if a customer comes to your store for the first time and has a positive experience, you can likely expect them to return. When you open a coin operated laundry, you can feel confident that you will see a steady income and growth potential.



    • Recent advances in the coin vended laundry machinery make financing as easy as possible for your customers. You can offer your customers flexible payment options, such as paying by credit card or using a reloadable laundry card.


  • Quality brand names instill trust in prospective customers—and keep them coming back. When your coin operated laundry provides customers with advanced commercial laundry equipment from well-known brands like Electrolux and Maytag, you gain your customers’ trust.

Is it the right time for you to consider opening a coin operated laundry? Contact the professional team at A.L.L. Laundry Service to discuss the options available to you when we work together. We look forward to hearing from you!

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