Marketing Your Coin Laundry Business Across Generations

Every coin laundry business needs to consider its target audience when developing a marketing strategy. And, unlike other businesses, the clientele of a coin laundry truly spans generations. Some laundry owners forget that they must attract a wide range of customers to bring in the business needed to sustain their operations.

The Coin Laundry Association breaks down the five generations living in the United States today as:

  • Mature Silents – born 1947-1945
  • Baby Boomers – born 1946 – 1964
  • Generation X – Born 1965 – 1980
  • Generation Y/Millennials – Born 1981-2000
  • Generation Z/Boomlets: Born after 2000

To develop as many income streams as possible for your laundry business, it’s necessary that you treat each of these generations as separate and distinct market segments. This means that your marketing—including your advertising, of course—must reach out to each segment in the proper manner.

Not doing so is a significant mistake and will ultimately limit your customer base, as well as the strength, growth and future of your vended coin laundry business.

If you have questions about how to grow and sustain your coin laundry business for the future, contact the team at A.L.L. Laundry Service. We are happy to offer our expertise and guidance.

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